About hEDGE
hEDGE Financial Services Conference is a leading undergraduate finance conference that offers delegates experiential learning in capital markets, providing students with the exposure necessary to break into capital markets. As a unique platform connecting passionate students with existing industry leaders, the conference offers exclusive workshops and keynote speeches, which we organize in close collaboration with our corporate sponsors. Delegates also have the opportunity to test their skills in mock interviews and engage with finance professionals in designated networking sessions. hEDGE is proud to be a comprehensive recruitment event for University of Waterloo students with a passion for finance.
Conference Applications
Thank you for your interest in attending hEDGE Financial Services Conference 2025. The application deadline is March 22, 2025.
Find more details about the conference on our Instagram or email admin@hedgeconference.ca for any questions!
2025 hEDGE Conference Stock Pitch Competition
Delegates participating in the competition are required to craft a stock pitch, either long or short, for a firm from any industry. The chosen stock may be publicly traded on any exchange, with a market capitalization between $1-10 billion USD and a stock price above $5.00 USD (once adjusted for exchange rates) as of the market close on March 21, 2024. Each submission is limited to 1 to 4 team members, with 7 minutes to present, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session with the judges.